April 14, 2024 Worship 10:30 AM

Poets and Prophets

 Did anybody hear that we had an eclipse this week? A celestial event that could be safely viewed through a pair of cardboard glasses. I got mine for $1.11 at Menards. We should view events like this with awe and wonder. Awe and wonder are also useful in understanding how we relate to the Divine. This week my message will involve the crossover of poets and prophets in Scripture and how both disciplines work to teach us about our relationship with God. To do this we will look at an interesting Psalm, where God is giving a sermon. If God was preaching a sermon, would we want to hear it? Would we pay attention to it? Well, Psalm 50 gives us an example of what God giving a sermon sounds like. It is not a long sermon. When you are God, you don’t need to speak for long to get your point across. What does God say? Well, I will discuss that in my message this Sunday but if you want a head start on it, please, read Psalm 50 in advance.    Steve Noonan

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.“

—Albert Einstein, The World as I See It



Sunday Schedule

9:00 am  Guide to Biblical Studies – Zoom

9:30 am  Melting Pot – In-person

3:00 pm  Discussion Group, Sundays at 3:00 pm on Zoom, is now discussing Do I Remain Christian:  A Guide for the Doubters…Disappointed…Disillusioned, by Brian McLaren.  All are warmly welcomed.