September 29, 2024 Worship 10:30 AM

Reimagining Identity

In an era fraught with disagreements, divisions, and polarization, it often feels like we – as individuals and as the church – are facing an identity crisis. This might be triggered by any number of reasons, such as cultural differences, theological differences, personal doubt, or more. But regardless of the triggers, the struggle can leave us feeling disheartened, angry, hopeless, withdrawn, and disconnected.

Yet, the Apostle Paul reminds us that “just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body” (Romans 12:4-5, NIV). This metaphor is meant to encourage us to recognize our interconnectedness, even amid differences. It reminds us that we must do the hard work of leaning into our differences, so that we can find unity (not homogeneity) with one another through love and understanding, because our belonging in the body of Christ transcends our differences.

In these times of uncertainty, how are you being guided by the Spirit to cultivate relationships grounded in love and grace? How are we, as a congregation, opening our hearts and minds to new ways of being the hands and feet of Christ in a rapidly changing world? How are we shining our shared mission brightly to a community, a denomination, and a world that is longing for hope and belonging?

– Madalyn Metzger, Immediate Past Moderator for the Church of the Brethren





Sunday Schedule

9:00 am  Guide to Biblical Studies – Zoom

9:30 am  Melting Pot – In-person

3:00 pm  Discussion Group, Sundays at 3:00 pm on Zoom, is now discussing Richard Rohr’s The Naked Now:  Learning to See as the Mystics

  All are warmly welcomed.