Our Mission
The Crest Manor Church of the Brethren has a long history of vital ministries in the South Bend community, and continues today to have ties with many of the inner city ministries that address the needs of South Bend.
Crest Manor Church of the Brethren today continues to do as its mission statement says: “…continuing the work of Jesus simply, peacefully, together…” It is a family-oriented committed community of people striving to extend the love and compassion of God to all it encounters. Crest Manor Church of the Brethren strives to seek where the Spirit is leading and find ways to create and maintain vital ministries.
While we are part of a larger denomination, each individual Church of the Brethren brings its own flavor to all things Brethren. This means no two congregations are quite alike. Some are more traditional, while others are more contemporary and, while each may be different, we recognize that together we make up a small portion of the greater body of Christ.