
Church World Service / One Great Hour of Sharing

Special offering for March 2025

Church World Service, PO Box 968, Elkhart, IN  46515     info.cwsglobal.org

One Great Hour of Sharing, 1451 Dundee Avenue, Elgin, IL  60120     www.brethren.org

Church World Service is certainly not new to this congregation!  We just assembled Hygiene Kits for CWS.  You will recall that we have done an assortment of Kits over the past few years.  Remember the times we did the Cleanup Buckets?  And we have made Hygiene Kits in the past, as well as School Kits, Baby Layettes, and Period Packets.   Currently, we are asking for cash donations to support the work of CWS.

As you probably know, ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING is just one ”arm” of Church World Service.  Their services reach far and wide and to so very many different areas.  One of their specific services is to provide blankets to those in need.  These blankets come in two weights – depending on their destination/need.  Blankets may be used for warmth, maybe hung for a tent/shelter, maybe a tote to carry meager belongings.  This Sunday has been designated “Blanket Sunday” throughout CWS supporters and we are encouraged to think in terms of “Blankets” as we make donations.  While we (Crest Manor) have not specified how our donations are to be used, be mindful of this one area of emphasis/need.


Monthly Special Offerings

Bethany Theological Seminary

615 National Road West, Richmond, IN  47374-4095

800-287-8822  www.bethanyseminary.edu

Brethren Disaster Ministries

P.O. Box 188, 601 Main Street, New Windsor, MD 21776-0188  www.brethren.org

Camp Alexander Mack

P.O. Box 158, Milford, IN  46542-0158,

574-658-4831  www.campmack.org

Dismas House of Indiana

P.O. Box 4571, South Bend, IN  46634

521 S. St. Joseph Street, South Bend, IN  46601,

574-233-8522,  www.dismashouseofindiana.org

Food Bank of Northern Indiana

702 Chapin Street, South Bend, IN  46601,  574-232-9986,  www.feedindiana.org

Habitat for Humanity

402 E. South Street, South Bend, IN  46601, 574-288-6967,  www.habitat-for-humanity.org

Northern IN District Office

301 Mack Drive, Suite A, Nappanee, IN  46550,  574-773-3149,  www.nidcob.org

On Earth Peace

500 Main Street, P.O. Box 188, New Windsor, MD  21776-0188,  410-635-8704,  www.onearthpeace.org

One Great Hour of Sharing

Church of the Brethren, 1451 Dundee Avenue, Elgin, IL  60120,  847-742-5100,  www.brethren.org

Church World Service

28606 Phillips St., P.O. Box 968, Elkhart, IN  46515,  800-297-1516,  www.cwsglobal.org

New Community Project

117 Nature Road, Blue Ridge, VA  24064  844-804-2985, www.newcommunityproject.org

United Religious Community

501 N. Main Street, South Bend, IN  46601,  574-282-2397,  www.urcsjc.org